Please be advised, that most if not all group activities sponsored by our church are considered public events and consequently, your picture may be taken for use in the church’s newsletter, website, and social media posts. The Church Council will make every effort to inform people of this fact at every church activity by publishing an announcement in church bulletins and written programs, on the church’s website and social media pages, and through oral announcements at church activities. In order to protect the safety and privacy of both children and adults, however, you have the right to opt out of being photographed if you so desire. A media opt out form is available by contacting the church office by phone at 301/729-1010 or by e-mail at Parents and guardians of minor children may request a form for each child they would like to “opt out.” Completed forms will be kept on file in the church office so that organizers of church events and designated event photographers can consult these forms prior to an activity.